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MEA Professional Development Conference
December 5, 2003

Lesson Plans

Sample: http://www.thematzats.com/propaganda/intro.htm
Excellent lesson plans for teachers. The lesson plans are in WebQuest format and use resources from the Web.

Marcopolo is a partnership of websites devoted to education. It provides a cross-website search tool that provides access to hundreds of lesson plans and student activities.

Math Illuminations
Geometric Solids http://illuminations.nctm.org/imath/3-5/

Two examples of the interactive Mathematic programs are on this site.

Michigan Teacher Network

Lessons and activities tied to the “Michigan Content Standards”

Resources and Tools for Teachers

Building Rubrics


Rubistar provides a template for creating rubrics and allows you to store them online for future use or editing. It also allows you to analyze the results from your class.

Rubric Builder

More flexible that Rubistar, but also takes more planning and creating than rubistar.

On-line Discussions

Yahoo Groups

You can set up a group and post a calendar, files to share, chat and other features for your class. It is easy to use and can be used to create communication tool.

Create a Timeline (up to 9 events)

Create a vertical or horizontal timeline containing up to 9 items. You can add borders. Very easy to use.

Search Sites


Have a question? Ask BrainBoost, it may have the answer. Very easy to use, you type in the question and it may find the answer.


Contains sites with a reading level of grades 1 to 6. All of the sites have been evaluated for reading level and content. Very good for young children.
Kids Click

A directory of web sites that have been evaluated by librarians. They have sites in almost every subject area. Don’t miss viewing these as a librarian would view them (See the bottom of the page).


Great site for older students doing research. Not only does it give you search results,
it also suggests other search words as well as where you can find link collections on
that topic.

Little tricks and fun you can do with Google. Find addresses, do math problems,
and look up definitions right from this popular web search site.

Now that I found a good site, how do you site my resource?
Slate Citation Maker
(MLA and APA)
Extremely easy to use citation maker. Includes both print and electronic sources. It includes 17 templates for print and electronic sources. You fill in the blanks, it creates the citation. You then copy and paste the results in your paper.

Citation Maker: Elementary 
MLA Style
use the link above with this link to create your bibliography http://www.oslis.k12.or.us/citeintro/nof_citesession.php?

This contains a lot of information for your students on citing sources as well as an electronic citation maker. You can create a bibliography that can be saved to your computer.

Citation Maker: Secondary 

Same site as above, but provides more information for students at a higher level.


3D Textmaker

Add some flair to your publishing with dynamic text. The text can be used in word processing, PowerPoint or web publishing.

Read, Write, Think

This site has a wealth of resources for English teachers as well as any subject area using the writing process. The International Reading Association, the National Council of Teachers of English and Marcopolo endorse it. Contains activities and lesson plans. We will look at Drama Map.

NIEH Kids' Pages: Song-along Songs

Great resource for bringing music into your classroom. The site has the lyrics and music for numerous songs. You can use these in almost all subject areas including teaching the Core Democratic Value of Patriotism.


An online database of Internet resources organized by topic. eMINTS teachers may submit requests for new eThemes resources but anyone is welcome to use the database of over 400 existing resources.

Trained Resource Scouts provide an average of 15 age-appropriate, content-rich, child-safe resources for each request. Search by topic, grade level, keyword or Missouri's Show-Me Standards.

NSGS (U.S. Geological Survey)

Great information for teachers. Elementary and middle school teachers will want to see the lessons on Maps. Major areas: The Learning Web;  Biology;  Geology; Mapping; Water

Weather Eye
(Lesson 6-8)
Lesson plans, activities for students and resources for parents on the weather.

The Art Teacher Connection

Links to numerous sites on resources for art teachers.

The Global Schoolhouse

This site stresses collaborative learning and has projects and contests that involve students from around the world.

Imagers – From NASA

“The IMAGERS Program is comprised of two multimedia web sites: "Adventures of Amelia the Pigeon" and "Adventures of Echo the Bat". The Program’s objective is to captivate children at an early age in Earth science through multimedia adventures.” You can download the two books and teacher lesson plans. Grades 1-4

Giggle Poetry

Poetry can be fun. Kids will love the activities on this site and there is a section for teachers. Take a look at one fun school
Sample poem. http://www.gigglepoetry.com/GrabBag.cfm?T=2&PI=3

MI Kids

Learn about Michigan. This is the state of Michigan’s web site for kids. A great resource for students studying about Michigan.

The Virtual Cave

This site provides excellent information about caves. You love the diagrams and pictures.

Best of History Web Sites

Best of History Web Sites is designed to benefit history teachers and their students and provide quick, convenient, and reliable access to the best history-oriented resources online in a wide range of categories. Best of History Web Sites is ranked #1 by Google for "history web sites". It also includes Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides and Activities.

Web Sites for Students

Frog Guts 

Frog Guts is an interactive dissection program. Two programs are currently available, more will be on-line soon.

Census Bureau – Reference Maps

This site from the Census Bureau allows you to view data in map format. You can use these sites to create, print, and download maps. Customizable options such as Boundaries, Features, and Title are available.

Atlas of the Body – From the American Medical Association

For anatomy and medical illustrations of the human body this site is the place to start.

Kathy Schrock:

Kathy provides an excellent site to find great resources on the web.

Ref Desk

Their logo claims they are the single best source for facts on the web. Try it and see what you think.

Homework Help from Discovery

Need help with your homework, stuck for a good idea for a science project, this site may solve your problem.

Homework Help from Multnomah County Library

Links divided by subject area to help students working on research projects at home.

Web Weather for Kids

Simple activities for students to help them understand the weather. Includes how to build thunderstorms, how to make a tornado, and more.

The CIA World Factbook

The factbook includes information on every country in the world. A good place to start for your reports.

This page was last modified on Sunday, December 24, 2006
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