Resources for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are listed first followed by more general resources for African-American History.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Time Line on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A brief timeline on the life of Dr. King.
Letter from a Birmingham Jail
Letter that Dr. King wrote when he was jailed during the Birmingham protests.
I Have a Dream Speech
Famous speech given in Washington DC.
Short Biography of Martin Luther King Jr.
A short one to two page biography of Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Timeline and Quiz
The timeline and quiz could be used to introduce a lesson or
evaluation of your lesson.
Teacher Vision
Contains printables for classroom use, quizzes, worksheets, and activities for various subject areas.
List of lessons on Martin Luther King Jr. from Marcopolo.
Lessons from primary grades through high school. The lessons are created for national standards.
All About Martin Luther King, Jr.
An Overview of the life of Dr.King Jr. You can print a copy
for use in class. Martin Luther King, Jr. Printout
All About Martin Luther King Jr.'s Childhood Printout
Great for elementary or if you don't have books on Martin Luther King Jr.
King Speeches and lesson plans both in video/audio format as well as print format. If you have slow Internet access you may wish to save them to one computer for classroom use.
Pictures and covers from Life Magazine
A pictorial history of the times Martin Luther King Jr. was featured in the magazine or on its cover.
Pictures and quotes for Time Magazine
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
On January 20, 2003 Americans across the country will celebrate the national holiday honoring the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As they have since 1994, thousands of Americans remembered Dr. King by serving in their communitiesby making the holiday "a day ON, not a day off."
Five Ways to Celebrate Dr. Kings Birthday with Kids
Activities you may wish to use.
Links to other sites.
Let Freedom Ring: The Life & Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Lesson plans with numerous links to resources.
Crossword Puzzle on Martin Luther King Jr. and just in case you need it the answers. The puzzle has over seventy answers and will take some time to complete.
Martin Luther King, Jr., Quotations
This is a nice reference for a bulletin board or for student essays.
Speeches by Martin Luther King Jr., President Kennedy and President Johnson
Seattle Times News Source.
Here you'll find stories and photos culled from The Seattle Times over the past decade. For a glimpse into the current state of race relations, check our guestbook then add your own thoughts.
MLK Timeline
Key dates in the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:
Time line on the establishment of the MLK Jr. holiday.
Learn how the National Holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was established.

History Challenge for kids on Martin Luther King Jr. and The Civil Rights movement.
This is from Time for Kids and has some great resources in a fun and easy to read format.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black History Month
Selected Reference Sources from Louisiana State University Libraries, Baton Rouge, LA
Dr. Martin Luther King
Good site for elementary and middle school teachers. A lot of activities can be found here including folk tales, picture books, quizzes and biographies. It has over thirty links to materials for the classroom. An example of one print out is shown at right.
Martin Luther King Jr. Project
A wealth of speeches, letters, documents and multi-media on Martin Luther King Jr.
African-American History
Ideas for Black History Month
An extensive list of resource for lesson ideas in all subject areas. Includes printables, quizzes, worksheets, references and more.
African-American History Calendar 2003 - Elem. or Middle School
This is a printable calendar you can print and give to your students, It will help them learn about African American History throughout the year. Students can color the pictures on each page.
Biographies of Great African-Americans
These are briefs snapshots of great people in our history. You can use them as an introductory lesson to inspire your students to learn more about each person.
Photo gallery
This is one of the best picture galleries on the Civil Rights movement that I located it has lot of pictures. They are sorted by date.
When you click on the small image you will get a larger image and a description of the picture and event.
The African-American Migration Experience
New societies, new peoples, and new communities usually originate in acts of migration. Someone or ones decide to move from one place to another. They choose a new destination and sever their ties with their traditional community or society as they set out in search of new opportunities, new challenges, new lives, and new life worlds. Most societies in human history have a migration narrative in their stories of origin. All communities in American society trace their origins in the United States to one or more migration experiences. America, after all, is "a nation of immigrants."
Great African-Americans Quiz
Information is provided and then a short quiz for students.
African-American Inventors
A Sampling of African-American Inventors and Their Inventions. Short and easy to print for classroom use.
Harriet Tubman
A wealth of information for elementary and middle school including: Harriet Tubman Printout/Coloring Page; Printout/Quiz (no picture); Printout/Quiz (with picture to color); Timeline and more.
Timeline of African-American History
African American History Month Calendar for 2002 has not been updated, but has links to a lot of great sites. Hopefully the 2003 calendar will be available soon.
Notable Civil Rights Leaders
Short biographies of numerous leaders.
Black History Timeline from Time for Kids
Fun activity for kids who have on-line access. Black history goes back a loooooooong way. See for yourself by traveling through the TFK Black History timeline below.
Timeline on Black History
The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences
Profiled here are African American men and women who have contributed to the advancement of science and engineering.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Guide to Black History
Better used in the upper grades.
Creative African American History and Heritage Celebrates Black History Month
References to the biography television shows.
Yahooligans Black History Month
Enchanted Learning Black History Month
Gateway to African American History from the U.S. Department of State
The Tuskegee Airmen
The Tuskeegee Airmen are African American Pilots during WWII. They experience hate, racism and prejudice. They overcame this and became and award winning Army Air Force Unit.