Emmett Till

Mississippi Trial 1955
Chris Crowe

Civil Rights Post 1955
Jim Crow


Desegregation in Schools and Colleges
By Brandon C.

Civil Rights Post 1955                                                                    

            The Thirteenth Amendment was passed by the Senate on April 8th, 1864. The Thirteenth Amendment prohibited the acts of slavery, forced work, and any type of segregation. In the South in the year of 1951, a lawsuit was filed against the Board of Education. A man named Oliver L. Brown wanted to make the South follow the Thirteenth Amendment. When the trial officially ended in the year of 1953, rights were brought to the black people in the South. Much of the black community still wanted to go to their own black-only schools, but some people did go to white schools. These are only some of the stories behind the segregation in schools and colleges of the South.

Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges was the first African-American child to attend an all white school in the South. She attended this school as a part of a test to see how people reacted to it. When she was taken to the school the parents of white children stood outside, shouted and threw things at her. After she entered all of the parents went inside and took their children out of the school because they refused to let them be in a school with a black child. As an adult she began the Ruby Bridges Foundation to work against racism of all types.                                                                                                                                                  Black people protesting against school segregation.

George Wallace Desegregating the University of Alabama

The governor of Alabama in 1963 wanted to keep segregation in Tuscaloosa forever. Two black students wanted to enter the building and register. The governor, George Wallace, stood in front of the school doors and would not let them or anyone else in the building. President Kennedy authorized the National Guard to escort the two students into the building.

George Wallace blocking the doors of the Alabama University

James Meredith and the University of Mississippi

            On September of 1962, James Meredith wanted to enroll into the University of Mississippi. When he entered the building the people in the university, Oxford, and the governor, Ross Barnett didn’t want him in the school. President Kennedy ordered that they let James Meredith into the campus. On that same day President Kennedy gave a television address. As Kennedy was speaking, violence broke out on the campus and he ordered federal troops to stop the riots, which injured over 300 people and killed two.           

LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01A white man tackling a black man in an      

 effort to stop him from entering the University.

Central High School Little Rock, Arkansas

            After the Brown v. Board decision, Central High School was going to have students integrated into the school. When nine black students showed up to enroll they met an angry crowd that didn’t want them to enroll. The students known as the “Little Rock Nine” were protected from the riot by federal troops. President Dwight Eisenhower sent the troops from the 101st Airborne to protect the students. That marked the first time since Reconstruction that federal troops were sent to the South.                                                                                                                            


1st picture: Black people protesting against school segregation

"Public_school_segregation." Bucknackt's sordid tawdry blog. Web. 11-18-2011. http://bucknacktssordidtawdryblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/public-school-resegregation-loses.html

2nd picture: George Wallace blocking the doors of the Alabama University

"George Wallace Stands in the "School House Door" ." The Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1963 . Web. 11-22-2011. http://faculty.smu.edu/dsimon/Change-Civ%20Rts.html

3rd picture: A white man tackling a black man in an effort to stop him from entering the University

"October 1957." The Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1963 . Web. 11-22-2011. http://faculty.smu.edu/dsimon/Change-Civ%20Rts.html

Emmett Tiil: "Racial Integration Protest." Shmoop. Web. 11/18/11. http://www.shmoop.com/civil-rights-desegregation/photo-integration-protest.html.

Events After 1955

Bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church

This page was last updated on: Thursday, January 19, 2012